Take The KETO 30 Challenge TODAY! Click Here To Get Started!

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Discover The UNIQUE Keto System That Puts Your Body Into FAT BURNING Mode...FAST! 

If You're FRUSTRATED With Weight Loss Resistance...Keep Reading...

Your Friends Will Be Asking Your Weight Loss Secrets In Just A Few Short Weeks!!


You're overweight, CAN'T lose weight, bloated, fatigued, worn out, have brain fog, depressed, achy, can't sleep...and are sick and tired of being sick and tired!




You're scrolling Facebook and one friend is doing paleo, the next is attempting sugar free, another going gluten free etc. 

Meanwhile, your sister is selling the next pill, potion, essential oil, or lotion PROMISING fast fat loss! 

Friends, we call this infobesity

There is so much conflicting information out there you don't even know what to believe anymore.

This paralyzes you...and you end up doing NOTHING! 

Not good! 


If you're totally confused about what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, what supplements to take, what foods to avoid etc. (in order to kick your keto journey into high gear), then it's time to take the KETO 30 challenge! 


Keto Confusion

With so many different apps and cookbooks and recipes and theories...it's very easy to become OVERWHELMED

This is also a stumbling block for many! 

With Keto 30 we REMOVE the cumbersome confusion of counting calories, carbs, ratios, macros etc. We make keto easy again! 


Many weight loss programs & keto programs revolve around short-term calorie restriction. While this may provide some success in the short-term, it WILL NOT provide a sustainable RESULT for you long-term. 

We pride ourselves on providing a "lifestyle" based approach that is simple, comfortable, and SUSTAINABLE

Keto 30 is the culmination of 15+ years of testing, tweaking, refining, researching, & mastering a protocol that simply works! 

Again, we provide a whole food based approach to weight loss that simply works!


There Is An EASY Way To Do Keto WITHOUT The Cumbersome Confusion...And Will Provide You With FAST RESULTS!!

...Even If You've Tried Everything!

 What Is The Keto 30 Challenge 

Very simple!

It's a simple  CUSTOMIZED approach (based on objective food testing) to the ketogenic diet that simply gets RESULTS!! 

If you've tried the ketogenic diet (or other programs) and you are stuck, stalled, plateaued or feel downright miserable...it's not your fault! 

You're eating the WRONG FOODS!! 

Foods that are spiking INFLAMMATION in your body! It's next to impossible to lose weight when you're inflamed!

You're eating TOXIC foods. Remember, your body stores FAT as a buffer against toxins

You're consuming HIDDEN SUGARS! These silent culprits will hold you back from achieving your weight loss goals!

What Would The Perfect Weight Loss System Look Like?

  • NO more GUESSING!
  • NO more wondering what to eat!
  • NO more fancy pills, potions, or lotions!
  • NO more "stalls" or "plateaus"! 
  • NO more chalky shakes!
  • NO more pre-packaged processed foods or fad diets!
  • NO more drugs, shots, or risky surgeries!
  • YES you'd know EXACTLY what to eat!
  • YES you'd know EXACTLY what to avoid (i.e. toxins & hidden sugars).
  • YES your plan would be whole food based!
  • YES your program would be safe and natural! 
  • YES you'd notice other health benefits (i.e. better sleep, less brain fog, less inflammation etc.)!
  • YES there would be support / guidance via a like minded community!



Here's What You'll Get:
This Program Comes In Digital Format & Is Available Immediately Upon Checkout!
Your Test Kit Will Arrive In 2-3 Business Days!

The Complete KETO 30 Guidebook! ($97 Value)

This manual is the foundation of program. You'll learn tips, tools, & life transformation strategies! Clinically proven strategies that we've been using with our patients for 15+ years! Inside you'll discover: 

  • The detrimental health consequences of spiking your blood sugar each and every meal. 34 million Americans are diabetic! Another 88 million are PRE-DIABETIC which means if you don't make changes NOW...within 5 years you'll have full blown diabetes!
  • What foods to eat! We'll provide several pages of HEALTHY FOODS for you to choose from.
  • ​​The easy, non cumbersome way of doing keto. We teach a 2-part formula that anybody can follow! No more counting macros. No more weighing food. Follow our easy system and you'll achieve SUSTAINABLE results!
  • ​​Intermittent fasting strategies that reduce inflammation & improves gut function. 
  • ​​Exercise strategies that burn fat FAST! Your friends will ask you your secrets in no time!
  • ​​A 30 day journal so you can TRACK your journey / successes! Remember, what gets tracked gets improved upon!

Food Sensitivity Testing - 400 Foods Tested In Total ($399 Value)

You'll know EXACTLY which foods are spiking INFLAMMATION in your body. 

You'll know EXACTLY which foods are destroying your GUT & putting stress on your IMMUNE SYSTEM!

We don't guess...we FOOD TEST! 

Nutrient Deficiency Testing - 50 Nutrients Tested In Total ($299 Value)

Where are you depleted? Vit D? B2? B12? 

Remember, the most expensive vitamin is the one you don't need! This is why we objectively test! 

50 Dangerous TOXINS To Remove From Your Kitchen Immediately. ($49 Value)

Remember, your body hangs on to FAT as a BUFFER against toxins! It's a protective mechanism. To lose weight / reduce inflammation we must minimize toxins! 

We'll give you a list of additives, artificial sweeteners, & colors / dyes you must avoid at all costs! 

Dig through your fridge & pantry immediately upon downloading this PDF!

70+ HIDDEN Sugars To Avoid! These Culprits Are Silently Holding You Back! ($19 Value)

There over 70+ different names of sugar. Processed foods are FULL of these hidden culprits. 

You need to be aware of your labels and watch for these ingredients that quickly kick your body out of ketosis / fat burning mode! 

Many times these hidden "super sugars" spike your insulin more substantially that regular sugar! You need access to this list!

Master Food List ($19 Value)

Your food list will be within your guidebook but you'll also get a separate PDF version which you can take to the grocery store. 

This will be your "working food list"!

This is a low glycemic / ketogenic based food list that is whole food based! It's an extremely healthy list of foods to choose from!

Private FB Community

You'll have immediate access to our private community of like minded individuals. People are wanting BETTER health! 

The group is there for support, guidance, motivation etc. Share your wins, share your struggles, share your before & afters etc.

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No Hidden Fees - No Contract - No Upsells 100% Money Back Guarantee

[This Is A LIMITED TIME Discounted Special]

Money Back Guarantee

We're so confident that you'll love the Keto 30 system that we offer a 30 day 100% money back guarantee

Give our system an honest try for 30 days and monitor your progress. Take before and after pictures. Take measurements. Track how you feel in your journal etc. 

If you're not completely satisfied after 30 days then just let us know and we'll refund 100% of your money. No questions asked.


Dr. Brandon Mannie

Dr. Brandon Mannie is a functional medicine practitioner with over 400 hours of post graduate training in clinical nutrition and functional medicine. He graduated from the prestigious Northwestern Health Sciences University in 2004. Since then he has been in private practice in the Twin Cities metro area. 

His true passion is functional weight loss and helping people achieve their optimal health potential through proper nutrition and supplementation. Thousands of people all over the country have reached a more optimal state of health because of his unique protocols. 

He's an avid keto advocate. This is why he invented Keto 30.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How Much Weight Can I Expect To Lose?
Keto 30 was designed for 30 days. Most people report losing 3-5 pounds per week (12-20 pounds in 30 days). There are a variety of factors including gender, age, toxicity levels etc. You need to focus on GETTING HEALTHY! Weight loss will come off as a side effect of making better choices which we'll outline for you in the guidebook!
How Is Testing Performed?
Keto 30 was designed for 30 days. Most people report losing 3-5 pounds per week (12-20 pounds in 30 days). There are a variety of factors including gender, age, toxicity levels etc. You need to focus on GETTING HEALTHY! Weight loss will come off as a side effect of making better choices which we'll outline for you in the guidebook!
Do I Need To Fast Before Testing?
No! Just test away. No fasting necessary!
Is This A Permanent Test?
NO! This is a snapshot in time. Much like an X-ray. Your body is always changing, healing, adapting, and regenerating. Just because you react to eggs today doesn't mean that it's a life sentence. But, if you're wanting to get healthy NOW, then remove the foods you're currently sensitive to.
When Will I Get My Results?
Your test kit will arrive within 2-3 working days. Perform the collection (instructions enclosed) and send it back in the envelope provided (already labeled and stamped). From there plan on 10-12 working days. Your results will be EMAILED to you immediately once finalized. 
Is Hair Analysis Accurate?
Hair testing was discovered over 25 years ago as scientific studies showed hair was like a tape recording being both stable and also permanently embedding the data in the hair. Hair testing is now used regularly in the fields of drug testing, forensic science, nutritional (foods) and mineral analysis and hormone testing. 
Will It Feel Like I Have The Flu During The First Few Days?
It's completely NORMAL to feel like crap when you're removing sugar and other TOXINS from your diet! This is your body DETOXING! Simply drink lots of water and get lots of sleep! People report days 2 & 3 being the hardest and then getting easier come day 4-7 and beyond!
Are There Pills, Potions, & Lotions?
NO! However, we aren't opposed to a solid foundation of supplements (electrolytes, MCT Oil etc.) to help facilitate faster results! Please realize a supplement is just that...A SUPPLEMENT! It's not a free pass to eat junk! We also outline our best recommendations / companies to purchase from in the guidebook. 
What Happens AFTER The Initial 30 Days?
Most people KEEP GOING! After 30 days they are shifted into a HEALTHY ROUTINE THAT IS WORKING!! So they simply keep going! Chances are you won't hit your ideal health goal in 30 days. Simply take it for however long it takes you to hit your ideal health goal. Trust me, once you follow this system for 30 days...you'll never want to go back to eating garbage ever again! 
Is There Anybody Who Should NOT Take The Keto 30 Challenge?
As always, if there is an underlying medical condition it's always best to check with your doctor. Please understand our approach is whole food based and the underlying principles simply work. We've been using with patients for over a decade.


We're going to walk through system this together

Track your progress! Take before and after pictures!

You're going to LOVE your results! I can't wait to hear your success story!


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Ketogenic Diet Scientific Studies

1) CDC diabetes statistics

2) Obesity Statistics

3) Long-term effects of a ketogenic diet in obese patients

4) The effects of the ketogenic diet on behavior and cognition.

5) Neuroprotective and disease-modifying effects of the ketogenic diet

6) The neuroprotective properties of calorie restriction, the ketogenic diet, and ketone bodies

7) d-β-Hydroxybutyrate protects neurons in models of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

8) Ketogenic diet prevents impaired prepulse inhibition of startle in an acute NMDA receptor hypofunction model of schizophrenia

9) Comparing a Very Low-Carbohydrate Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations Versus a Plate Method Diet in Overweight Individuals With Type-2 Diabetes

10) Ketogenic diet in adolescents and adults with epilepsy
The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, video, images & other material, contained on this website is for educational & entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended in any way as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Regardless of your current state of health, always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding your current health condition, a medical condition or treatment, and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

* DISCLAIMER: Some weight loss results featured in this system are not typical. The average person can expect to lose 3-5 pounds weekly following the Keto 30 system but there is no guarantee any weight loss will occur. Results vary based on several factors, including age, food eaten, water consumed, etc.

This website does not provide medical or healthcare advice. Consult with your physician before making any dietary or other health-related changes, including adoption of the Keto 30 method.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

© www.Keto30.com 2020. All Rights Reserved.